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Peter Salmon


Peter Salmon contributes deep domain expertise in food science to the Clarity team.

He is adept at working with manufacturers on value creation initiatives involving innovative and healthy foods, beverages, dietary supplements and nutritional additives.

In 1987 he founded the International Food Network, which he grew into a leading contract research organization providing product development and related services to the food, beverage and dietary supplement industries. In 2014 he merged IFN’s laboratory assets with The National Food Labs to create Safe Foods International. SFI was acquired in 2015 by Covance Laboratories, a subsidiary of Laboratory Corporation of America (NYSE: LH) and merged with its Food Solutions to create the world’s largest broad spectrum food industry focused contract technical services group. Peter continued to work with Covance in an executive role through 2016 and was involved in the acquisition of Food Perspectives, Inc., a leading food industry research firm.

While running IFN, Peter served 9 years on the Board of Directors of Sensient Technologies Corp (NYSE: SXT), a leading manufacturer of natural food colors with a market cap exceeding $3.5B

Prior to founding IFN, Peter held various research and group management positions with large multinational food companies, including General Mills and General Foods (now Kraft) where he was involved in developing and launching several well known food and beverage products.

Peter holds a Master’s degree in food science from the U. Mass Amherst and an MBA from Fordham. He is an active member of many food industry associations, including the Institute of Food Technologists. In 2010, the University of Massachusetts honored Peter by establishing the Peter M Salmon Graduate Student Fellowship in Food Science.

Peter is based in Ithaca NY enabling him to efficiently collaborate with other Clarity resources on food industry mandates.

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